Why has he not replied to my mail?
Did he receive my mail?
There is always some uncertainty with the emails that we send as we are not sure that has the receiver, received our mail.
Spam filter’s which has been a boon for many of us can sometimes act as a nuisance for legitimate mails and put them into spam folder only because it does not meet the required standards of a legitimate mail. Well these intelligent spam filters can sometimes act dumb by putting our legitimate mails into spam folder and keeping us ever guessing, why that person has not replied back.
Here are some tips that you should take care when sending mails:
Request the recipient to add your email address to his address book or the safe sender list. Some silly spam filter’s will not accept mails from addressed that are in the safe sender list.
Be diligent while crafting your mail. Avoid using words like ‘Free’, ‘Get money’, ‘Guarantee’ etc in your subject line. Making your mail look like, sales pitch also acts as deterrent. Avoid using words that sounds like you are trying hard to sell your product or services.
However urgent your mail would be, avoid using these words – “Urgent”, “Important” also other most commonly filtered words are “Free”", “New car”, “Loan”, “Insurance”, “investment”. Try to use some alternative words. The sentences should be short. Don’t send e-mails containing libelous, defamatory, offensive remarks. Make sure not to write in “CAPITALS” and attach unnecessary files.
Well for most of us who are very official in our approach, don’t use the word ‘DEAR’ to address someone.
SUBJECT LINE IN CAPITAL may not get your recipients attention but will surely get noticed by the spam filter and increase your spam score. Spam score is a formula to evaluate whether an e-mail is a spam or not. A score (by default) of 5.0 is enough to mark your email as “spam.” The rules used in assigning spam scores change and update frequently.
Other factors like HTML, hyperlinks, background color, large fonts etc can also increase your chances of getting a high spam score. Text format is still the best way of sending mails.
If you have suggestions, please leave a comment……
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