I picked up some frames at IKEA yesterday to shoot/show off some of my prints in. I have no intention of selling prints in these frames. Firstly, I have no place to store a stack of frames and secondly, the amount I’d want to charge to have to run to IKEA every time someone bought one would be more than an original Picasso. That is to say, I don’t see selling framed works online. Aside from the storage issues, there’s the matter of shipping and wasted energy and divining what would match someone else’s decor. Buy your own frames, people. If I were to ever do a craft/art show/fair, I’d likely frame some (because it does really set off photographic prints to see them framed) and I’d likely stick a larger price tag on them (because frames cost money, don’t'cha know) and I’d likely hope I didn’t have to store too many of them before the next show.
But the pricing possibilities for shows is a matter for a whole other post.
“You’d better get down here to Smith’s Car Mart, because these deals are Hot, Hot, HOT!” blares the radio, issuing the sound of a police siren to finish the commercial.
Being the first time this commercial aired, I pretty much swerved all over my lane, and anxiously checked my rear-view mirror in order to see if I would be getting pulled over, or if I needed to get out of the way. As I am a new driver, tickets would have have higher repercussions for me. First, my parents wouldn’t be terribly happy about it. Second, the penalties are increased simply because you’re a new driver and should, therefore, somehow have a better idea of what you should be doing.
What a fun logic puzzle that is. But I digress.
After seeing that there was absolutely no other traffic around me, I relaxed a little, my fear converting itself into anger. True, I did have the radio up a wee bit too loudly. That’s my fault. Is it my fault, though, for using sound effects that are intended to draw attention to an emergency vehicle? I didn’t think so.
Anyway, I don’t need to be hearing these false sounds including trucks back-firing during an interview, sirens, motorcycle revving, and screeching tires. Satellite or FM, advertisement or musical score, it’s just not helpful.
I’m not sure why a siren would motivate me to buy a car anyway. Seems like I’d be getting stolen property.
A little over a week ago, my father tore his ACL. For those of you that don’t know, or are too lazy to research for yourself, an ACL is a ligament in the knee that prevents it from wobbling or giving out. Simply put, my father is in a great deal of pain and has been confined to a sitting/laying position for the past several days. Well, his doctor ordered him to remain as immobile as possible, but like Colonel Custer and the Sioux Indians, my father isn’t one for standing down. Regardless, many of his daily tasks have fallen upon me, and many of these involve driving.
I have been driving for over a year now, that is, driving with a permit. Sure, it might be a bit peculiar that one has had a permit for over a year, when most 16 year old Americans have the 6th month marked down on their Facebook calendars, but that in itself is hardly interesting. Nor is the rebellious side of the same story, as in the empty passenger side. Illegal? Yes. Uncommon? Doubtful. However, despite my self-confidence, I always feared the day when I would become the victim of racial profiling. I mean, according to the ironic principles of karma, it’s bound to happen sooner or later.
Back to my unlawful joyrides, they have become quite frequent in the past several days, and fearing that inevitable karma, my father decided that it was time to stop holding out and take me to get a license. I expressed little excitement one way or the other, seeing as how I would be driving regardless. If anything, I knew I was just setting myself up for defeat, failing the road test and walking out empty handed, down $7 and several hours in waiting. The failing in itself isn’t what troubles me, it’s the walk of shame out those doors past the jail-bait blond with a fresh license in one hand and a cellphone in the other. I can only imagine the text reading: Liek omg!!! i can driv now : )))) I shudder at the thought.
In my driving career I have encountered many a hazard on the road, ranging from heavy rain to women. I use both hands when dealing with the latter. From experience, I can say that the “fresh n’ blond” blend are at the top of the danger scale. If it’s not a cellphone, it’s a Starbucks cappuccino in their hand, or their boyfriend’s stick shift. No, I’m not talking about an actual stick shift, though for the record, they shouldn’t have their hands on one of those while driving, either. It’s when I encounter these wonders of the road that I take a moment to avert my attention to the question: how did they ever pass the written exam? Let’s just say that the actual academic side to high school isn’t their strong suit.
The DMV in itself is a very uninspiring place once you reach the waiting room. Crummy plastic chairs, gray walls, and the current number being served, A113. You are E337. Silent faces stare blankly forward, combating the temptations of rest; brightening after hearing their letter, only to be restored to their former saturnine appearance when they don’t hear the corresponding number. Though few verbally express it, all await the moment a student driver crashes through the northern wall after forgetting to put their car in reverse.
When I’m finally called up, I hand over my paperwork and current permit. After looking it all over, the lady across the desk frowns. “You know that this permit is expired, right?” Yes, yes I did. However, I was hoping to just charm my way past the experience, but seeing as how this lady was approaching her 60’s, I realized that such a plan bore little hope. “You’ll have to retake the written test.”
November 22, 2008. “Sorry, but it looks like you have failed. Why don’t you study next time, cock sucker.”
Who cares about the weight of an infant in a car seat anyway? At this point, I knew that I wasn’t going to get my license that day, but swallowing some anxiety I approached the test taking area, hoping by some stroke of grace I would pass. I think that now is a good point to say that at the DMV, logic is about as abundant as the excitement. Part of the reason I failed the my first written exam was that I’d answer the questions I didn’t know through the due process of reason. After all, it had served me well in school, and I’m at the top of my class, so why wouldn’t it serve me well here? Because this isn’t school, this isn’t the test sheet of life. This is the DMV.
If you park on an uphill slope, you better turn your damn wheels toward the curb. If you forget to use the emergency brake, and your car becomes possessed by gravity, the worst of your issues is a dented hub cap and a new parking spot on the sidewalk. I mean, that’s better than turning it away from the curb, where you’re relying solely on the off chance that friction saves the day; or keeping your wheels straight where the car behind you is your emergency brake. But no, you put the passing traffic at risk by turning your wheels away from the damn curb. Forget that guaranteed stop, let’s not risk running people over in the nearby sidewalk. Well, that is, as long as there is a curb present . If there is no curb, by all means, turn your wheels toward the side of the street and risk running down little Timmy on his way to school! See if we care!
Not only did I not get my license, I lost my permit in the process. I guess it was already expired, so it didn’t change anything, but it was still a low blow to the balls of pride. So I walked out the doors of shame, past the jail-bait blond with a new license in one hand a cell phone in another. Liek OMG!!!! I cn driv now n their is this loser who faled XDDDD
Taking the keys from my dad, I proceeded to drive us home regardless. I really stuck it to them.
Yesterday morning I got a taste of what it would be like to be a working single mother with an 8 month old baby, let me just take a moment to say, wow- my hat goes off to those ladies who do this every day!
7:20am… B walks into the bedroom to tell me that Everly is still sleeping and that he is leaving for work. I pop out of bed like a piece of toast, amazed that it is 7:15 and she is still sleeping… what happened to her waking me up between 6:45 and 7:00? Knowing that we need to be out of the house by 7:50 I walk down the hall and open the door to her bedroom, hoping that the morning ambiance will wake her.
7:25am… I am in the bathroom having a hooker shower with a face cloth and wetting my hair, just as I start brushing my teeth I hear B walk into her room and pick her up (wasn’t he leaving)? He plunks her down on the floor in the bathroom and says see ya later- thanks babe, (secretly I was hoping that she would stay sleeping until I was dressed).
7:27am… she is hungry and not being shy about telling me (of course), I realize that I am going to have to feed her as I do what I need to do to get ready. In the high chair she goes as I mix up her breakfast, am thinking this might be better because now she is contained. I drag the high chair to my room where I take turns giving her spoonfuls of cereal mixed with fruit and getting myself dressed. One spoonful, 2 socks, one spoonful, underwear, one spoonful, bra… until I am done and she nearly is too- aha! We have a system.
7:37am… I sit to feed her the last bits of her breakfast and suddenly I am aware of the towel still on my head. I drag her high chair to the bathroom door and take turns putting product into my hair while feeding her the last spoonfuls of her cereal- thank goodness she choose to cooperate and eat this morning is all I can think of… thank you patron saint of feeding babies. I pause and wonder what would the patron saint of feeding babies be called? Emeril, Rachel, Top Chef? Maybe that guy who swears all the time… okay focus, focus.
7:45am… time to nurse Everly. I thought we might be able to wait to do this until I got her to my cousin’s (who was looking after her), but no, she would have none of it. I am tapping my foot on the floor as she guzzles; said guzzling is partially because I am squashing my boob with my free hand to make the milk come out as fast as possible… I have seen how this kid can throw back a bottle, I know she can handle it.
7:50… we were supposed to be leaving the house at this point but nope, it’s only time to get Everly dressed. Getting Everly dressed is kind of like trying to get a lobster into one leg on a pair of pantyhose without the pantyhose being snagged; it isn’t easy. So we wrestle and sing songs and eventually she is ready to go. I put on her coat and strap her into her car seat.
7:56… I am a pack mule waking out to the car with Everly’s diaper bag, my work bag, Everly’s daycare supplies bag and my donations for work bag… oh and Everly in her car seat- which now officially combined weighs over 25 pounds. I hobble and hop and get half way to the car and realize that I am still wearing my slippers. I trek on despite the slippers, I have come too far with my load to turn back, I am closer to the car than my door. I play put stuff into the car tetris and then quickly run back into the house for some shoes- awesome, we are ready to go and only 10 minutes behind schedule.
8:03am… I am in the car at an intersection and hear my tummy growl, I feel my throat- heechk (a bit dry and pasty), is it possible that through all of this I have not eaten or drank anything, YES. Food I knew I didn’t have, but water hmmm, I took a quick look around the inside of my car and miracle of miracles, there in the cup holder was one of Everly’s sippy cups. I grabbed the cup and tried to get the lid off so that I could down the water inside, yeah, no, they don’t make these lids easy to get off do they. So I started sipping. I learned yesterday morning that it takes a lot of effort to get water out of a sippy cup, so I was sipping hard. I started to feel like I was being watched and sure enough I was. The lady in the car on my left was staring blank faced right at me. I found myself embarrased for a nanosecond and then I took the cup out of my mouth, raised it in a cheers like fashion and drove away as the light turned green… at least I gave her something to tell her friends at work.
8:13am… we arrive at my cousin’s house, 13 minutes late but everyone present and sound. I drop her off without any trouble and head to work. I take a deep breath and blow it out slowly… ahhhh work the vacation day in my week.
Well, my car has turned traitor. Ok, maybe that’s a little harsh. After all, all it did was get registered in VA and get VA license plates. It’s a little sad to take off the FL license plate, but actually, the car looks a little better. Yeah, I said it. The plates are blue and white and what else on my car is blue and white? Correct! My Detroit Lions license plate holder on the back.
The only thing is that in VA they have a plate on the front of the car also. So, my cute little car had to have a plate drilled into the front bumper. I don’t think it hurt…much.
In this mash of Zen Mix mixes, we see examples of Car Curling and environmentally friendly driving game where you try not to use your brakes. So as you approach a group of stopped cars, you stop accelerating and glide towards them seeing if you can glide to a stop just behind them.
When you are an international student studying in the US, it can be a bit confusing with the new culture and possibly even a new language. Often the simplest things can be difficult to get the hang of. Things like car insurance can be a whole new challenge when you are not familiar with the process or the rules.
If you`ll be driving in the country you plan to study in, you will want to have car insurance. Most students are on a budget anyway and having to deal with the cost of an accident, no matter how minor is usually a big dent in the budget, particularly if you were at fault.
- Look for a car insurance provider that doesn’t penalize international students. Many companies will insist on a minimum of 3 years US driving experience in order to qualify for lower rates and higher coverage. Since the majority of international students have little or no experience driving in the States, they will end up paying more for less coverage. A very few insurance companies will count foreign driving experience and offer lower rates and deductibles.
- While liability is the minimum requirement by law, it`s a good idea to find out how much more you`ll pay for collision insurance, as well as comprehensive. Liability covers your passengers or property that you damage in an accident, collision will cover repairs to your vehicle if you crash, even if the accident was your fault. Comprehensive insurance is meant to help you recover your financial losses if the vehicle is stolen or destroyed by means other than a car accident.
- Keep the age of your vehicle in mind. Older cars usually aren`t worth insuring for anything more than liability, since you would be better off replacing the vehicle than repairing it in most cases. Newer cars will need to be insured for more since it`s usually far cheaper to repair them than buy a new vehicle. The general rule of thumb is that a car older than 1989 should carry liability only.
- Look for fixed rates. Some car insurance companies will let you sign up for 6 months or 12 months, where your rates will not go up, even if you have an accident during that time. Obviously, the longer the term, the better.
- Make sure you have an up-to-date international driver`s license. This will allow you to drive both in your home country and in the US. Most international students have no need for an American driver`s license, so an international one should be fine. Just be sure that it is good for at least six months after your stay ends so you`ll be able to get the best car insurance possible.
- Bring all paperwork that could be necessary with you when you apply for car insurance. You`ll need proof that you haven`t had an accident in the previous 18-36 months for the best rates. All driving related paperwork will help you out when applying for car insurance and can drastically cut the waiting time, as well, since you won`t be trying to get your papers from your home country.
Car insurance for international students might be a bit tricky, but it mainly comes down to doing some research to find which companies will give you a break, even if you haven`t been driving in the States for the past three years. The prices and amount of coverage should be fair and not hiked up just because you are only temporarily in the country.
Complete home and auto insurance in Quebec. Get a free, no obligation car insurance quote in Quebec online. Insurance products include standard coverages with options and deductibles that can be adapted to suit your needs.
So i got an actual Blog where i blog. i copied all the old ones here.. now im gonna get another new blog once i get a real place on the web like, WWW.dorb3k.com or something but it should be fun since i got a new 3G compatible netbook so i can blog anywhere with a full computer screen and shit.
ALSO. I’m gonna start photographing number plates and making a massive library of them on the site which i think will be fairly easy and fun.. I was thinking that if you saw yours then you could message me and i can make it say, Mike’s Car or something.
2010/01/13 JOHOR BARU: A 30-year-old woman was almost raped by two robbers after they forced her to draw money from an automated teller machine (ATM).
On Dec 30, two robbers forced the woman into their car at a hotel car park about 7pm. She was punched in the face, tied up, gagged and blindfolded.
The duo forced her to reveal the PIN before stopping at an ATM.
Johor Baru (south) police chief Assistant Commissioner Zainuddin Yaacob said the duo was dissatisfied after they found they could only withdraw RM1,000.
They threatened to rape the woman but instead dumped her at Taman Century.
One of the suspects was caught on a closed-circuit television camera.
Anyone with information is urged to call the police at 07-2212 999.
If you’re like me, you amuse yourself in traffic by staring at the letters on license plates and making up words. For example, HRT becomes “Heart” and DNT becomes “Donut.” Then I start thinking, oh yeah I do love donuts!
Then you get the 3 letter abbreviations like SNL, ETA, BTW or ones that just sound funny: BAP, POW, MEH. (If you see me while I’m driving I’ll most likely be muttering to myself like a madwoman.)
Once in a while you get a REAL treat and see a vanity plate with an actual word on it, or something that looks like a word but you can’t quite figure out what it means. Over the past couple of weeks I’ve compiled a short list of plate words that I have observed.
First, your obligatory sports fanatics: GOPHER
IA HWK 1 (boooooooooooo, on a Nebraska Plate)
And others: JPG (I can only assume this person is a member of the Joint Photographic Experts Group) WLLFX4U (on a service van) FRITZY
CREEPIE (I laughed when I saw this one, someone is declaring to the world “yes, I am creepie and proud of it”)
I think if I got a vanity plate it might say BRETZEL. Or we could be sick and get BRTZEL1 and BRTZEL2, I don’t think Ryan would go for it though. What do you think? I guess it’s not very original. Maybe CRAFTY1, or GRNMAB since I have grandma-like tendencies to knit or bake cookies whenever possible.
After nearly two years of experience of living in India, I would risk a thesis, that cultural difference is nowhere as visible, as on its roads. Westerner who makes a foolish mistake of heading out on the road without proper preparation, would find himself in a “shock and awe” within a minute from starting his car (or any other vehicle for that matter).
As a quite experienced driver in India – both bike and car – I think I’m ready to share sort of a basic guide, a crash course… (believe me, every attempt to drive here inevitably begins or ends up with a crash) on driving in India.
But no worries, driving in India is actually way simpler than anywhere else in the world. Forget all the complicated rules and trust your intuition. Drive where the place is on the road, no matter which lane is it or even which direction. If you follow few basic rules mentioned below and move slow but consequently, so that others could adjust their behaviour to yours, you’re on the safe side. Remember – nothing is impossible!
Ladies and gentleman. Fasten your seatbelts if you have any!
1. Preparing a vehicle
Enter the vehicle, start the engine, check the horn* and dipper. If you have rear view mirrors – make sure they’re hidden, otherwise you will lose them soon. Now, you’re ready to go.
2. Signs and traffic lights:
green light = go
orange light = go
red light = you might consider stopping or slowing down, but not necessarily
Haven’t seen any other than speed limits.
If you see a speed limit – ignore it.
c) Communicating with other drivers
Indicators – blinking (usually) orange lights on a vehicle, used together if you want to signal you are about to do something weird on the road (i.e. backing up on the highway or driving against the traffic)
Full headlight – always on. There is a competition called “I got stronger lights than you”.
“Dipping” – acts like a horn at night.
Horn – remember, “Horn OK Tata”. Sound of the horn is the national anthem of India. Indicates any action you want to take on road or even just your presence. In example:
You want to go straight – honk and go straight
You want to go right/left – honk twice and go right. You might consider sticking your arm out of window while turning to show you’re turning.
- you want to overtake – keep on honking till you’re done
- you’re happy – honk
- you’re sad – honk slowly
- you’re angry – honk furiously with no reason
- you’re Punjabi – honk the bhangra sounds
- you’re truck driver – honk BIG
- you have a scooty- get yourself a BIG horn and pretend you’re a truck, people will make space on road before they realize
3) Priority on road:
first – the biggest (truck, bus, train) – WARNING: this rule can be observed also on a one way road. Trucks tend to go against the traffic for a shortcut. Don’t try to play James Dean with them!
second – the biggest horn (mimicry technique)
later – the fastest one to enter
very last – trespassers
* Once we were driving down the mountains, from app. 3000m altitude, in a rain, in the evening . Our cab wasn’t in perfect condition – lights were working like they wanted, our wipers weren’t working at all, breaks seemed to be a bit too soft, but our driver wasn’t discouraged until the horn went off. Then he has slown down, gripped the steering wheel tight and leaned towards the window… and stopped by the next mechanic to fix it.
** Observe number of scratches on the car. The more it has, the least you can trust the driver.
Please share with me if I missed anything important!
With the rise in fuel prices, we cant help but try to go for the type of vehicles that will give us the best results as far as fuel is concerned. We do not want to have a car that will only do a few miles yet consumes so much fuel. This is the reason why auto makers are coming up and making a great impact in the manufacture of SUVs which have proved to be economical in terms of fuel consumption.
Most of the brands that will give you good delivery and good performance may sometimes be dismissed as being uneconomical but this is not the case. Some vehicles in the sports utility vehicles category especially qualify for the cars with the best SUV gas mileage.
The Lexus and Toyota especially are well known for their ability to cover so many miles for so less fuel and more so the hybrid types. Toyota highlander hybrid and Lexus RX 400 have both got a 3.3 liter 6 cylinder engine and they can amazingly deliver 28 city miles and 25 miles on the highway per gallon.
The Ford escape hybrid which came into being in 2007 was crowned the as the one with the best SUV gas mileage in the front wheel drive SUV category. It can do 31 city miles and 29 highway miles per gallon. The four wheel drive of the same version delivers 28 city miles and 27 highway miles per gallon. Other models with preferable SUV gas mileage are the Saturn vue hybrids which can do 23 miles in the city and 29 highway miles.
Peter Gitundu Creates Interesting And Thought Provoking Content on Gas Mileage. For More Information, Read More Of His Articles Here GAS MILEAGE If You Enjoyed This Article, Make Sure You SUBSCRIBE TO MY RSS FEED!
If there is one thing to be more wary of than an advertisement for a new product, it is an ad that isn't selling you any product at all – just image, pure and simple. So, in the middle of a recession when car sales are low, Audi last week bought the back pages of the Guardian and Sunday Times, and no doubt others, to tell us about what its largest typeface called “a very, very quick glimpse of the future”.
This week, Audi used the Detroit Auto Show to show us that glimpse: its e-tron concept car, “an electric car with electrifying performance” that was originally unveiled at the Frankfurt Motor Show last year. Concept cars are mock up models that never reach the showrooms in their present form.
It's nice to see electric cars being promoted as fit for more than just getting around town – albeit only at motor shows and on the back pages of newspapers. But we are entitled to be cynical. This corporate image advertising has a deservedly bad reputation for greenwash.
In the world of oil companies, for instance, there seems to be an inverse relationship between the amount of money spent promoting corporate green aspirations and actual investment in delivering clean energy. Witnesses the millions spent by Shell.
So what is Audi doing out in the real world? The answer is not nearly enough. It is so far behind the green curve that the company told me this week it won't have its first hybrid on the market for almost another year, and no electric vehicles before the end of 2012.
True, last month, its A3 2.0 picked up the “green car of the year 2010″ award, sponsored by America's Green Car Journal, at the Los Angeles Auto Show. But how come the award was made even before 2010 was under way? It seems that date inflation by the award organisers was keeping pace with inflated environmental claims by Audi.
The diesel-powered A3 2.0, has CO2 emissions of 115-147 grams per kilometre. This is better than average, but with a range of cars now under 100g, it hardly meets the citation from the journal's editor that the car “defines what a green car should be”.
The Audi website also has a page on “green issues and sustainability” (pdf). In keeping with the company's famous slogan, Vorsprung durch Technik (advancement through technology), it focuses on how the company is improving engine technology so you save fuel without noticing any change in performance.
This is good. But before you start believing the hype, read the latest report from Transport & Environment (pdf), an independent European think tank. It uses official data obtained under the Freedom of Information Act to chart progress by major car manufacturers to reduce CO2 emissions from their cars in Europe. And guess where Audi and its owner Volkswagen, which together sell more cars in Europe than any other company, appear?
They are third from bottom in a table of 14, with fleet-average emissions for cars sold in 2008 at 159g/km. This is way off the voluntary target of 140g/km agreed between the EU and European car manufacturers more than a decade ago to be achieved by 2008. Audi tells me its average in 2008 was a very poor 175g, though the early months of 2009 were close to the lower Volkswagen figure, which would be “better than all but one of our key competitors”.
To be fair, most other manufacturers also missed the target. The EU average for cars sold in 2008 was 152g. Only Fiat and Peugeot-Citroen have got below 140g.
They all have a long way to go to meet the EU's new target of 130g across average fleets by 2015. And Audi and its owners at Volkswagen more than most. The Transport & Environment report notes caustically that “the Volkswagen group … have a strategy of selling fuel efficiency as an option, rather than as standard”. Audi denies this and says it works “to improve fuel efficiency as part of the normal development process”.
But even so, take a close look at that ad. It is, as they say, a “very, very quick glimpse of the future”. Now you see it; now you don't.
New US$21 million investment will further Dorel's global car seat leadership position
MONTREAL and COLUMBUS, IN, Jan. 19 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ – Dorel Industries (TSX: DII.B, DII.A) today announced plans to build a Design and Development Competency Center at its Dorel Juvenile Group (DJG) USA car seat manufacturing facility in Columbus, Indiana. The project is the first major milestone in Dorel's car seat product capital investment program and involves a total investment of US$20.8 million through 2013. DJG will immediately spend US$3.6 million and will add 39 jobs at its Columbus facility with a total of 98 jobs being created over the next four years.
“The development of this world class technology center with specialized research and design facilities will further Dorel's leadership position as the largest manufacturer of car seats globally and will drive ongoing technical advancements and innovations for child passenger safety,” stated Dorel President and CEO, Martin Schwartz.
This past year, Dorel's team of car seat engineers launched Air Protect(TM) Side Impact Technology, the most innovative and groundbreaking safety feature ever offered in a car seat.
The Design and Development Competency Center will be located adjacent to Dorel's current one million square foot car seat manufacturing facility. The expansion project will renovate 40,000 square feet of office and warehouse space doubling the space dedicated to child restraint systems design and development. The new center will house cutting-edge resources to aid in the development of future car seat technological breakthroughs. A revolutionary new crash test sled, dedicated computational engineering resources, and advanced side impact testing capabilities are just some of the dynamic assets to be included.
“We take great pride in the continued innovation and advancements our team has made in the car seat industry, most recently with the launch of the ground-breaking Air Protect Side Impact Technology,” said Dave Taylor, President of Dorel Juvenile Group US. “The new Design and Development Competency Center will enable us to bring additional leading car seat technologies to more families on the road today.”
“Dorel's decision to expand its development and testing operations here is an incredible vote of confidence in the Indiana economy and the work force of Columbus,” said Governor Mitch Daniels. “We appreciate their continued investment in this region and look forward to the new opportunities they will bring Indiana workers.”
Ninety percent of Dorel car seats and 50 percent of the DJG USA's total business are currently produced and distributed from the Columbus, Indiana facility. In addition, expansion with Dorel's new Competency Center will improve the community's economic development through the addition of new jobs and will highlight the area as a center for child passenger safety innovation.
Dorel Industries Inc. (TSX: DII.B, DII.A) is a world class juvenile products and bicycle company. Established in 1962, Dorel creates style and excitement in equal measure to safety, quality and value. The Company's lifestyle leadership position is pronounced in both its Juvenile and Bicycle categories with an array of trend-setting products. Dorel's powerfully branded products include Safety 1st, Quinny, Cosco, Maxi-Cosi and Bébé Confort in Juvenile, as well as Cannondale, Schwinn, GT, Mongoose, Iron Horse and SUGOI in Recreational/Leisure. Dorel's Home Furnishings segment markets a wide assortment of furniture products, both domestically produced and imported. Dorel is a US$2.2 billion company with 4700 employees, facilities in eighteen countries, and sales worldwide.
Caution Concerning Forward-Looking Statements
Except for historical information provided herein, this press release may contain information and statements of a forward-looking nature concerning the future performance of Dorel Industries Inc. These statements are based on suppositions and uncertainties as well as on management's best possible evaluation of future events. The business of the Company and these forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ from expected results. Important factors which could cause such differences may include, without excluding other considerations, increases in raw material costs, particularly for key input factors such as particle board and resins; increases in ocean freight container costs; failure of new products to meet demand expectations; changes to the Company's effective income tax rate as a result of changes in the anticipated geographic mix of revenues; the impact of price pressures exerted by competitors, and settlements for product liability cases which exceed the Company's insurance coverage limits. A description of the above mentioned items and certain additional risk factors are discussed in the Company's Annual MD&A and Annual Information Form, filed with the securities regulatory authorities. The risk factors outlined in the previously mentioned documents are specifically incorporated herein by reference. The Company's business, financial condition, or operating results could be materially adversely affected if any of these risks and uncertainties were to materialize. Given these risks and uncertainties, investors should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements as a prediction of actual results.
‘The Collected Works of Colonel Ludwig Van Monkeyhammer’.
I sat in the car with wifey this morning and started laughing so hard I almost choked. When she asked me what was so funny, I replied between sobs “Ludwig Van Monkeyhammer”. She stared at me as though a small Chinese gooseberry bush was growing out of my ear. I still verge on dissolving into a gibbering mess when I say it out loud to myself.
This morning we were running late. We were running late because of wifey’s pregnant brain (the brain belonging to pregnant wifey, rather than the pregnant brain belonging to wifey, you understand.) It is a recognised phenomenon that pregnant women start to suffer mental malfunctions, forgetfulness, indecision and so on (to which I refer as Cheesing of the Brain.) But wifey was, at times, pretty random before the blessing of growing a small me within her.
Yesterday she brought in her very important work ID pass for schools (without which, as an adult in a school she will naturally be assumed to be a child-molestor in these saddening days) and because she knew she would very much need it today, she put it ’somewhere safe’. This information she relayed to me this morning as we were searching high and low for the damn thing. Yes she’d lost it. As soon as I heard the magic words ’somewhere safe’ I started searching all the appropriate places (up the dog’s butts, in the biscuit tin, under the kettle and in the fridge to name but four.) You see, ’somewhere safe’ is the mythical realm where important things go to die. If wifey puts anything ’somewhere safe’, I immediately get in contact with the bank, DVLA, government or whomever and report it lost and order a new one. In some cases she put important things ’somewhere safe’ in the previous house and even though when we moved we checked everything as we packed and left an empty shell of a building, said items still never turned up.
I digress, but at least I digress on the general point. And now I digress further to question whether it’s actually digressing if it goes in more than one direction. Am I now trigressing? Anyway…
So, because this was SUPER-important, I dropped everything (except my trousers as that wouldn’t really have helped at this point) and helped wifey in her search. We spent 20 minutes rummaging around the house, searching everywhere she’d been yesterday. I searched the car too, with its insane central locking. Unlocking the driver’s door unlocks the driver’s door; unlocking the passenger door unlocks the other three. Oh and we have two car keys but wifey has to keep both of them with her, as one works on the four main doors, but not on the boot (trunk), whereas the other only works on the passenger door and the boot, but not on the driver’s door. See how my life works? See?
Nothing in the car. No sign. No sign anywhere. We ran out of time to search any more. Had to rush around and get things done real quickly before we left. I walked the dogs, we got our collective sh*t together and left the house.
On the way out to the car, wifey stopped at the back gate and looked thoughtful for a moment. As I was about to question this behaviour, she reached into the wheelie bin (dumpster), moved aside two bags of assorted waste, and retrieved her work pass and database keyfob! I said nothing, just shaking my head and laughing throughout the journey.
All this, without a word of a lie!
When you combine the above with what you know of me, what chance does our child stand?
Photo: A view from inside a car out through window on a rainy afternoon.
Photo taken by Digital Video Camera.
Comment: Unfortunately, I forgot to remove the date stamp before taking the photo. After it was taken, I didn’t want to open it with Photoshop as I’m not good Photoshopper!
Too often, people forgot that they have a choice. The best advice about getting your car fixed is to remember that the money may be coming from the insurance company but you can control the repair process. This means refusing to settle for a repair job you do not like. And it may also mean refusing to accept the use of generic replacement parts instead of the original manufacturer’s parts (your policy may give your insurer the right to use generic parts, so it’s important to check the details to know your rights). Even if your favorite shop doesn’t do the repairs, you can still have your mechanic look at the car (although this may be at your personal expense) and provide an assessment of what should be fixed. Ultimately, it’s your car and your call about what’s done to it. Keep this in mind, not only when you’ve been in an accident, but also when you’re looking to purchase a policy.
With insurance, rising petrol prices and the general wear and tear, an MOT can just seem like another lot of fuss and another expense for you to worry about in the upkeep of your vehicle. It does not have to be so much of a bother.
We all know that the MOT is necessary in keeping your car road safe, even if we grumble about it. But the smaller aspects, even the ones that are important, although it sometimes does not see like it, such as headlight alignment and bulbs, can cause you to tear at your hair. Some of the most common ways in which cars fail MOTs include faulty headlights and windscreen wipers. These seemingly insignificant details are important however as they can severely impact your safety.
It used to be that a headlight bulb could easily be replaced at home. You could access the old one to remove it, and slipping the new one in was as simple as changing a bulb in your house. However, with the renovations in car design and the more safety conscious bonnet designs, the headlights are all but inaccessible, meaning that even for such a tiny repair, you need to get a mechanic or garage involved, and the costs can soar.
If your car is discovered to have a faulty headlight during its MOT, it is no longer such an easy fix and the last thing you need is to have your mode of transport failed because of something so small. You don’t have to worry about the problems of paying for this, though as, if you look around carefully enough, you should be able to find a garage that will take care of the smaller things – such as replacing a bulb, without an extra charge.
Given that the MOT is a compulsory process and that there is a maximum price set by the government, for that very reason, MOT test centres really need to demonstrate that they give you more than the rest, therefore including bonuses like this helps them as well as you.
If you need an MOT in Coventry or the Midlands, and you’re interested in an MOT centre that gives you that little bit extra why not use www.binleywoodsservicecentre.co.uk.
Bureau of Meteorology predicted afternoon thunderstorms today. Still I felt we could take the chance to go down to the Gold Coast to cool down in the ocean and catch some waves with our bodyboards.
The whole trip was rather interesting to be honest.
The drive to and from Gold Coast amazes me each time. I have been told, by Aussies themselves, that Queensland driver’s have some what of a bad reputation on the road. Only having a Learner’s License I will and can not say I am an expert, but I can still have an opinion.
It amazes me that not more people die on the QLD roads already. How people drive is just scary. So many are incapable of following simple laws and common sense. I am actually more alert and nervous during rush-hour than when I can drive the maximum allowable speed. It doesn’t matter what the speed limit is, a lot of drivers gladly drive 10-20 km/h over the speed limit. Usually 60 km/h means 80km/h, 80km/h mean 100km/h and so on.
Of course, we can not forget the very causes driver’s who like to drive 10-20 km/h. I do not mind these people that much, if they drive in the left lane.
You will see a lot more signs in NSW telling you to ’stay in the left lane unless overtaking’. I see it becoming more and more common here in QLD, but no one really cares. If the road I am driving on has four lanes I sometimes have to merge all the way to the fourth the overtake and still be driving the speed limit; just because some people could not be asked to merge to the left lane when they are driving 80 km/h when the speed limit really is 100km/h.
And please do not get me started on tailgaters. I have lost count where we probably would have gotten a new car if I had slammed the brakes. Sometimes I tap the brakes to give the a quick scare, and the tend to back off.
I think a lot of people would disagree with me, but I honestly wish that the government would spend more money on funding highway patrol and speed cameras.
Just seeing how some drive that funding would soon be paid by the idiots incapable of following the law and common sense.
I have a sneaking suspicion that it must have been something in the water today.
At some of the patrolled beaches in Australia life guards put up red and yellow flags to indicate where it is safe for people to swim and avoid being caught in a rip. On each side of those flags you will find blue flags; and in the area surfers and bodyboarders can enjoy themselves. Beyond the blue flags you are on your own; or a surfer.
As Lizzie and I tried to stay in the area for surfers and bodyboarders we still had to do our best to avoid other people walking around in the water like zombies. A few times when Lizzie and I where moving away from these idiots they followed us. Problem was that we were trying to get away from these numbnuts so we could avoid running them over with our bodyboards.
I am sorry if some think I am rude, but you are a bloody fool if you stand behind someone with a bodyboard. We are not just in the ocean to cool down. We are also there to catch a few waves; that will sometimes send us toward the mainland at high-speed. I haven’t hit anyone yet, but it is still annoying trying to swerve and sometimes have to terminate a ride on a perfect wave you hitched a ride on.
I am getting better and bodyboarding and reading the waves. So soon I might take greater risks and catch greater waves; which means I might not be able to stop or swerve. Maybe I do not feel like stopping or swerving next time.
I kind of saw the same attitude in the ocean as I see on the road; every man for himself and no one else matters. Pure selfishness and ignorance towards people around them.
I guess I can only use that as motivation to get a really good bodyboard and get really good at it so I can play outside the flags with the big boys.
Note: Not feeling to good, so this article was kind of finished very abruptly and not as good as I hoped.
Dual zone function allows car DVD player to do two or more function at the same time. It is commonly used by car DVD player with GPS function. Drivers turn on the GPS function, and can listen to CD, radio or even watch DVD at the same
Gearflag car DVD GPS entertainment system with Dual Zone function
time. Of course watching DVD during driving is not recommended.
Not all car DVD players (especially 2 DIN size) has dual zone function. First of all, the DVD player (or entertainment system) should be equipped with GPS function. The CPU (processor) of the unit has to be upgraded, that means you should look for branded or updated unit.
Although I’m sure many people out in Alaska won’t have much sympathy for us, I still think it’s incredibly cold here in Utah. It seems winter lasts too long. Lately hasn’t been too bad, but with lows in the low teens, I’m ready for some warm weather. Orem Mazda has a huge lot on University Parkway which means some times you have to walk what seems like miles to find a vehicle. It gets cold, and I like to stay inside. Luckily, we do have a great service bay where we usually like to show cars to our customers. Even if it’s really cold, we try to be pleasant and serving to our customers. That said, I cannot wait for the warm weather to hit (but I’m sure when the 100 degree temps come I’ll be re-thinking that.
So many changes so far this year! Well not big changes, just plans for the future! I applied for my pass port, and Ryan lost his it appears *scratches head* hopefully we will find it soon, but hopefully a cruise is in our future!
We have also been car shopping for the husband. We are probably going to end up getting him a 2010 Chevy Cobalt! Yay for husband’s new car! Of course insurance will go up and we will be adding some car payments. However, it’s okay. We will make things work out, and I am super excited every single time I see the smile on his face that he is getting a new car soon. We are actually going to be ordering it, it seems. As they do not have what he wants. However, I am sure I will post photos once we get that taken care of.
Soon Ryan’s and Mine’s days off are changing… to what I originally bid which was tuesday/wednesday off. And the husband falls into the new status-line bid which is sunday/monday off. So expect me to blog some more on his days off!
I had much more profound things to write of course when I didn’t get the opportunity to write. However, I figured I would add a tiny update to this! Life is going great so far, and the optimistic person in me is loving it! Even when the glass is half empty. I mean, half full!
Check out the page I added for our kittens at the top! Yay for getting this into shape!
Inyat have converted an ordinary Suzuki car to a robotic-car in 2006. Wrote 185 pages masters thesis in which he has described that how an ordinary Suzuki car is converted into a robotic-car. It was a self controlled as will as remote controlled car. It was tested and demonstrated in University ground, on ordinary congested roads, in car parks and run at a speed of 80 Kilo meters per hour. This demonstration was recorded by different TV Channels and Print Medias. It can be controlled verbally in an ordinary spoken English language as will as through keyboard, joystick and through screen buttons etc. It can also be controlled globally through Satellite where the Satellite access is available. Basically I was a medical group student but I came towards the computer engineering side to see that how the human brain is working. Now He wish to use this AI/Robotics Technology to develop disabled peoples hands, legs, eyes etc.
Just Brakes customer Armand had this to say after visiting Just Brakes #150 in Mansfield, Texas:
“I just wanted to take the time to commend your staff at the Mansfield, Texas, location. This is the first time I have used your service and I will not only recommend your company, but will be back for future service.
Your manager at this location was not only friendly, courteous and seemed like an old friend. Also, the brake technician explained everything in detail and presented a service I could not refuse.
I am 48 years old and have been to plenty of car repair locations in my time. The service I received has to be in the top five in my time. The manager even offered to drive me home while the service was done. I commend your organization and quality service I received.
Thank you and the staff of the Mansfield location.”
This is an older photo that I took with my Sony point and shoot camera. It was taken on 17th September 2006 on a run with the MX5 Club of NSW along the Putty Rd, north west of Sydney. We had stopped at the “Halfway Roadhouse” for a break and re-group. My MX5 NB is in the foreground, and the newer MX5 NC is behind. A big thanks to Andrew for the editing on the photo.
These days as I drive west through the darkness along the coast of Connecticut on I95 the constellation of Orion is splashed across the southern sky, just above the horizon. Despite the distance of those myriad stars, it is still almost too bright for me to look at. That, and then there’s the threat of driving off the road if I stare out the driver-side window for too long.
I know that it is not him, not in any real way, but I cannot help feeling the whisper of his presence when I see those stars.
I listen for Silas above the thumping drums and screeching guitars I have blasting in the car on my way home. I listen to see if he’s speaking to me, but mostly I just hear the din of my voices arguing and rehearsing the narrative of my soul. Agreement between them all is rare. Mostly what I do is made of momentum and habit.
Sometimes NPR intersects with my ruminations like tonight when Terry Gross spoke to T Bone Burnett and she played a clip of the song “O Death” from the movie “Oh Brother Where Art Thou?”.
There I was driving along thinking of what Death has taken from me, reflected in those stars above. Thinking of how well I know It now and how deep and terrifying It lies nearby, like the darkness flashing past wooden and forested. And then that song out of no where like a deer or a moth or a shooting star.
The stars, the song, the speed of my lonely car and me telling me what I think about it all.
I rarely even see the what-if-World anymore. There is no empty, ghostly carseat behind me. There is no other schedule all tangled with child-care and life. There is only what is: around me, above me, within me, without.
Those stars are not him but their slight, whispery light and impossible, infinite dust, they are so close to me as I drive; closer than Death. Closer than his life.
They are brilliant, and they shine on me all the way home to Lu.
My sister called me on her drive home to San Francisco after Christmas. I was in the grocery store and she skipped the greeting and went right to: Do you remember a guy named Thomas Andrew Young? I told her it sounded familiar but that I was not sure who the person was.
She and her boyfriend burst into laughter in the car. While she was at my parents’ house she’d been going through the boxes of pictures as she is wont to do. Amongst the family memorabilia she found a copy of my very first complete short story, written when I was 11 years old.
Thomas Andrew Young was the main character of this story. My sister greatly enjoyed reading passages of it out loud and regaling me with the hilarious details. She asked where the story came from, how did I come to write this? Was I upset with someone? I explained to her the story was not about me, it was a work of fiction and what she was failing to fully realize was that I was awesome as an 11 year old. I made the story up and it was great.
I’ve read it from time to time over the years and I always enjoy it with nostalgia and a sense of pride. I thought that today I would share it with you. I hope you enjoy the inner workings of my 11 year old mind as much as my sister did.
I have not edited it or changed it in any way.
Hi! This is the diary of Thomas Andrew Young (that’s me) and you can call me Tommy. I am an overweight eleven year old with serious psychological problems. One of these is my loving, skinny family.
I also have an array of school problems (besides my grades, which I believe to be low because it’s hard to concentrate on math and spelling while your face is being beaten in and your butt is being kicked). Another one of my long list of problems could be my lack of friends. In my whole life I’ve had one friend. Who was, by the way, an imaginary one. His name was Fred, but I killed him off when I was eight.
My parents find all of this hard to believe since my skinny brother, Sean Allen, who is a junior in high school, and my skinny sister, Natyli Ana are so popular – not to mention honor students.
Some of my mental problems are due to the fact that putting me down is a favorite family pasttime in my house. If a day goes by that Sean doesn’t get the chance to beat me up or play a mean trick on me, he becomes a sad and lost human being with a bad temper.
An example is the time I was seven and fell in love with my sister, Natyli. When I asked her to marry me, she and Sean decided to “teach me a lesson in life” and I would tell you about it, but the memory is too painful.
Then, when I was at the tender age of eight, my imaginary friend, Fred (mentioned before) betrayed me. (You’re asking yourself, “How can an imaginary friend betray someone?” Well, then, PAY ATTENTION!!) He made me tell Sean about a very serious problem of mine. This was my crush on his girlfriend, Cindy. (By now, I was long since over Natyli, who was no 14 years old and in the ninth grade.) Sean decided it was time for another “Lesson in Life”, so Cindy, who went along, pretended to be in love with me and got me to tell her of my love and when I went in for the kiss I had seen Sean perform flawlessly so many times she shoved me away and started yelling. Well, as you may have guessed, Sean was right there and had the whole thing on video tape.
And from my parents all I ever hear is:
“Tommy, you look awful today, go change.” (This almost every day.)
“Tommy, why can’t you dress more like your brother and sister?”
“Tommy, why can’t you behave more like your brother and sister?”
“Tommy, why can’t you get good grades like your brother and sister?”
Now, I believe everyone needs someone to put down and be mean to, as I discovered early in life, but why me? I mean, I don’t encourage cruelty and bodily harm unto myself, I take showers and I’m generally neat and as nice to everybody as you can possibly be to people who use you as a punching bag. So, I have arrived at the conclusion that I was God-chosen and the only cure is:
Unknown to my family, I had begun planning my revenge. For three months all I could think of, night and day, was my sweet plan for revenge. But in the end all that was destined to go to waste. For that reason I won’t even take the time to tell it to you.
What happened instead will astound you and you may not believe it, but read it anyway. (You’ve come this far so you might as well suffer through the rest.)
It was a warm spring day and I was out for a walk to observe nature. (I also had to get away from the house because Sean was in a particularly bad mood and I was still sore from the bad mood he’d been in yesterday.)
As I walked along, what should I come across? It looked to me to be a bunch of papers. But I’m no expert and these days you never can be too sure. So I looked inside and there were about 15 pieces of paper full of what looked like plans or something. Anyway, they were in another language.
Being paranoid as I am, I immediately took them to our local FBI branch and a “friendly helper of justice and the American Way” (as they call themselves on TV) helped me locate someone called a bilingual. Since I’m only eleven, I thought the worst – why does someone with a weirdly named disease work for the government? As it turned out, bilingual meant someone who spoke more than one language and the funny writing turned out to be Russian. They were plans and they said that the Russians were planning a secret attack on the United States.
Before I knew what was happening to me, I was a National Hero. Suddenly my life was forever changed. For one thing, now Sean and Natyli kissed up to me and I was now my parents favorite child, and always (secretly) had been.
I didn’t buy that stuff for one single second – would you? But I took full advantage of it – I mean, who wouldn’t enjoy being spoiled and pampered?
All over the country I, Thomas Andrew Young, was on newspaper covers, magazines, TV.
But wait! Here’s the best part of all: The President of the United States wanted to give me a reward! On national television! The day arrived and I went up there and received my reward in front of the whole country and I shook hands with the President. Then came my revenge! (You thought I forgot about it, didn’t you?) My family stood around the podium at my feet and clamored for attention. our great Commander in Chief saw them and asked me if they were my family. At that point they jumped up and started hugging me – on national TV! So I said that no, I didn’t know who they were, had never seen any of them in my life.
The President thought that they were trying to hurt me (And Sean was, he tried to discreetly pound my back in with one hand while hugging me with the other.) Security guards and Secret Service men came and my family was taken away in strait jackets.
Then, while they grew old in separate mental hospitals, I grew up as the adopted son of the President of the U.S. of A.
Iv been sick for a week!! Fever of 101 and head acks non stop the only fun part was playing Run Factory and the World Ends With You on my DS!
NEWS FLASH: Last Sunday there was a 6.8 earthquake thats epasenter was in Eureka CA (I live ten miles from that)! Supriseingly I didnt even feel it because I was in the car with my mom but all my friends said it was very scary. Dont worry apart from a couple of people who fell over during the quake no one died or was ingered to bad. The worst damige to buildings was to stores
Nowadays it is not only the usual cars sedans compacts or SUVs that are often leased out Many car hire companies nowadays lease out various kinds of vehicles including trucks Now if you have a business demand to meet and you need a huge vehicle that can carry loads of shipment then you can seriously consider truck car rentalsTruck car rentals can be a very good option if you need a big vehicle that can carry much load Trucks are also built for longer travels even with the heavy load that they carry Rain or shine you can expect your merchandise to arrive to its destination without any problem at all With the use of a rented truck then you can be assured that your needed mode of transportation is always ready without you having to buy a truck of your ownIf you have a business and if you need to deliver various kinds of merchandise or supplies somewhere else then you can make use of truck car rentals You do not have to invest much money just so you can have your own truck for delivery You do not need t do that as you can still have a reliable means of transportation for your delivery needs You can get that by renting And with renting trucks you get to accomplish your business task with just a fraction of the cost of a vehicle purchaseThere are car hire companies which offer truck car rentals Not all companies offer a selection of bigsized vehicles like trucks but there are several which can meet your need The best way to start is to search online for the various car hire companies which offer such service There are online directories that also offer a convenient means of search for different car hire companies and vehicles for rent You simply have to go online so you can choose which company and which particular vehicle you need for your businessRenting a truck through truck car rentals is a wise option especially if you want to meet your business goal without the need of spending more It can be a wise option for the practical business owner who simply wants to accomplish a delivery or shipment transfer goal without the need to buy his own truck Truck car rentals remain to be an available option not just for those who regularly need trucks but also those who find themselves with a need to rent a truck temporarily
Designed under the theme of ‘Trust and Innovation’, Hyundai’s stand at the 10th Auto Expo will display the full line-up of passenger cars and Concept vehicles. Trust is represented by the ever reliable and trusted line-up of cars like Santro, i10, i20, Accent, Verna and Sonata Transform while the exciting new i10 Electric, Genesis Coupe, i-mode and H1 are the embodiment of ‘Innovation’ which will satisfy future customers.
Leading the showcase of new products and technologies under ‘Innovation’ theme is the i-mode which is set to take the stage with its amazing blend of visionary styling, futuristic technologies and advanced eco-dynamics. The car was first showcased at the Geneva International Motor Show in March, 2008. This innovatively styled and eco-friendly vehicle with its impressive mono-volume architecture provides an invitation to travel, explore and relax within the concept of a moving cocoon. Powered by the Euro 6 ready all-new 2.2-liter R (Dual Turbo) diesel engine, the i-mode concept incorporates high-tech materials, swivel seats and state-of-the-art communication solutions into a completely new vehicle impression.
The Hyundai Genesis sedan which was first launched in the Korean and the North American market won many accolades for itself including the coveted title – ‘North American Car of the Year 2009’ and the prestigious ‘Canadian Car of the Year 2009’. On display at the Hyundai pavilion this year will be the all new high performance Genesis Coupe – the sports variant of the Genesis sedan with focus on performance and luxury. The new Genesis Coupe highlights upscale new design, responsive driving dynamics and class-leading technology. The Genesis Coupe which followed the Genesis sedan comes in two performance-focused engine variants – a 212-horsepower, 2.0-liter turbocharged four-cylinder engine and a range-topping all-aluminum 306-horsepower, DOHC 3.8-liter V6 engine with the new rear wheel drive architecture.
Joining these technological marvels at the stand is H1 – the comfortable and convenient, spacious and flexible, stylish and luxurious van from Hyundai. With a choice of nine or twelve seats, the H-1 Van is at home in a variety of business and leisure roles – as a hotel shuttle, for tourists on sight-seeing trips or for taking sports club members (and all their gear) to the big event. And because its a Hyundai, reliability and economy are part of the DNA.
The right Garden Grove car accident attorney makes all the difference, and so too does the right bar or place to drink.
It matters more than you think who you call for your car accident or other legal matter. When it matters most, call the Law Firm of Sebastian Gibson.
We hope this list of top bars and places to drink and our other lists of places to go also lets you make the most of your time in Garden Grove. For more information about the best events, top festivals, great food and wine tastings and more in California and around the world, visit www.SebastianGibsonLaw.com
We know that when you spend your hard earned money when you go out on the town or even when you simply want to have fun without spending much money, you don’t want to spend your limited time or money and have a bad time. To help ensure your enjoyment when you go out in Garden Grove, we’ve compiled this list.
Remember though, even the best bar or restaurant can have a bad day. The server you have may be having a bad day, the bartender you have may even make the wrong drink. The trick to having fun when you go out on the town is to make the best of any situation. Life is too short to be annoyed by common things that go wrong.
It’s the same thing when you have an accident. A car accident can ruin your whole year. As a car accident attorney for Garden Grove, however, we know how to remedy a bad situation and make it better. We know how to obtain payment for your car repairs (or the value of your car if it was totaled) and how to obtain a car accident settlement that includes compensation for your medical bills, wage loss, pain and suffering and even the cost of a new child safety seat if one was in use at the time of the accident.
This is the first annual list of the top ten bars and places to drink in or near Garden Grove chosen by Garden Grove Car Accident Lawyer Sebastian Gibson for 2010, Even if this list doesn’t include your favorite bar or restaurant, we hope it will at least provide you with a few more choices of where to go for some drinks in the Garden Grove area.
At the Law Firm of Sebastian Gibson, we’ve obtained outstanding results in cases other attorneys haven’t even been interested in. Not every case is a big one but it takes experience to recognize what makes a good one.
Find out what makes our Sebastian Gibson so exceptional and why our website, www.SebastianGibsonLaw.com is graded so highly by websitegrader.com.
It says a lot that other law firms refer their big cases to us. Other attorneys refer all types of matters to us and for good reason. Our record of obtaining extraordinary results for decades speaks volumes.
More than once, when other lawyers haven’t been interested in a case, we’ve persevered and had extraordinary success. We can’t guarantee results but we can guarantee that we will represent your best interests and that we will do so to the very best of our abilities.
Remember, it matters more than you think who you call for your accident or other legal matter. When it matters most, call the law firm of Sebastian Gibson. Visit our website at www.SebastianGibsonLaw.com and see the difference.
Don’t let a car accident ruin your year and prevent you from enjoying life and taking the chance to have some good drinks and times with friends and family at bars and places to drink such as these.
So here are our top ten bars and places to drink in Garden Grove for 2010. We’ve purposely chosen bars and places to drink that are popular and known for fun, instead of bars and places to drink that have the most expensive drinks or the top ratings. If you’ve been involved in a car accident, we think that going to a bar or restaurant with friends or family and having a nice drink and good conversation at a reasonable price is more important than overpaying for the paintings on the walls.
Here are our top choices.
1. Heroes, Fullerton
2. Silky Sullivans, Fountain Valley
3. Louie’s on Main, Garden Grove
4. Beachfire, Ladera Ranch
5. Tustin Brewing Co., Tustin
6. Goat Hill Tavern, Costa Mesa
7. Yard House, Newport Beach
8. Fred’s Cantina, Huntington Beach
9. Continental Room, Fullerton
10. Steelhead Micro Brewery, Irvine
Enjoy your time in Garden Grove but remember to watch how much you drink or to use a designated driver. And if by some unfortunate circumstance, you’re involved in a car accident on your way home, remember, it matters more than you think who you call for your accident. When it matters most, call the Law Firm of Sebastian Gibson.
The right Costa Mesa auto accident attorney makes all the difference, and so too does the right restaurant.
It matters more than you think who you call for your auto accident or other legal matter. When it matters most, call the Law Firm of Sebastian Gibson.
We hope this list of top restaurants and our other lists of places to go also lets you make the most of your time in Costa Mesa and the surrounding area. For more information about the best events, top festivals, great food and wine tastings and more in California and around the world, visit www.SebastianGibsonLaw.com
We know that when you spend your hard earned money when you go out on the town or even when you simply want to have fun without spending much money, you don’t want to spend your limited time or money and have a bad time. To help ensure your enjoyment when you go out in Costa Mesa, we’ve compiled this list.
Remember though, even the best restaurant can have a bad day. The server you have may be having a bad day, the bartender you have may even make the wrong drink. The trick to having fun when you go out on the town is to make the best of any situation. Life is too short to be annoyed by common things that go wrong.
It’s the same thing when you have an auto accident. A car accident can ruin your whole year. As an auto accident attorney for Costa Mesa, however, we know how to remedy a bad situation and make it better. We know how to obtain payment for car rental expenses or the loss of use of your car, we can obtain payment for your auto repairs (or the value of your car if it was totaled) and how to obtain an auto accident settlement that includes compensation for your medical bills, wage loss, pain and suffering and even a new child safety seat if one was in use during the accident.
This is the first annual list of the top ten restaurants in or near Costa Mesa chosen by Costa Mesa Auto Accident Lawyer Sebastian Gibson for 2010, Even if this list doesn’t include your favorite restaurant, we hope it will at least provide you with a few more choices of where to go for some fine food in the Costa Mesa area.
At the Law Firm of Sebastian Gibson, we’ve obtained outstanding results in cases other attorneys haven’t even been interested in. Not every case is a big one but it takes experience to recognize what makes a good one.
Find out what makes our Sebastian Gibson so exceptional and why our website, www.SebastianGibsonLaw.com is graded so highly by websitegrader.com.
It says a lot that other law firms refer their big cases to us. Other attorneys refer all types of matters to us and for good reason. Our record of obtaining extraordinary results for decades speaks volumes.
More than once, when other lawyers haven’t been interested in a case, we’ve persevered and had extraordinary success. We can’t guarantee results but we can guarantee that we will represent your best interests and that we will do so to the very best of our abilities.
Remember, it matters more than you think who you call for your auto accident or other legal matter. When it matters most, call the law firm of Sebastian Gibson. Visit our website at www.SebastianGibsonLaw.com and see the difference.
Don’t let an auto accident ruin your year and prevent you from enjoying life and taking the chance to have some good food and times with friends and family at restaurants such as these.
So here are our top ten restaurants in Costa Mesa for 2010. We’ve purposely chosen restaurants that are popular and known for fun, instead of restaurants that have the most expensive food or the top ratings. If you’ve been involved in an auto accident, we think that going to a restaurant with friends or family and having a good meal and good conversation at a reasonable price is more important than overpaying for the paintings on the walls.
Here are our top choices.
1. Stubrik’s Steakhouse, Fullerton
2. BJ’s Restaurant & Brewhouse, Brea
3. Peppino’s, Lake Forest
4. El Farolito, Palcentia
5. Splashes, Laguna Beach
6. Matador Cantina, Fullerton
7. Quiet Woman, Corona del Mar
8. Orange Hill, Orange
9. Mastro’s, Newport Coast
10. Lucille’s, Brea
Enjoy your time in Costa Mesa but remember to watch how much you drink or to use a designated driver. And if by some unfortunate circumstance, you’re involved in an auto accident on your way home, remember, it matters more than you think who you call for your car accident. When it matters most, call the Law Firm of Sebastian Gibson.
Copyright Jeff Thomann, 1999
Media: Ink on Paper
Original Status: Not for Sale at this time
Print Status: Prints of this image on various items is available at http://www.cafepress.com/3andahalfx5in15
Original Size: 3 1/2″ x 5″
Primary Themes: Portrait, Sketch, Drawing, Line, Car, Study, Composition, Doodle, Action, Light, staging, wreck, vehicle, speed, impact, boom
The right Chino Hills auto accident lawyer makes all the difference, and so too does the right restaurant.
It matters more than you think who you call for your auto accident or other legal matter. When it matters most, call the Law Firm of Sebastian Gibson.
We hope this list of top restaurants and our other lists of places to go also lets you make the most of your time in Chino Hills and the surrounding area. For more information about the best events, top festivals, great food and wine tastings and more in California and around the world, visit www.SebastianGibsonLaw.com
We know that when you spend your hard earned money when you go out on the town or even when you simply want to have fun without spending much money, you don’t want to spend your limited time or money and have a bad time. To help ensure your enjoyment when you go out in Chino Hills, we’ve compiled this list.
Remember though, even the best restaurant can have a bad day. The server you have may be having a bad day, the bartender you have may even make the wrong drink. The trick to having fun when you go out on the town is to make the best of any situation. Life is too short to be annoyed by common things that go wrong.
It’s the same thing when you have an auto accident. A car accident can ruin your whole year. As an auto accident attorney for Chino Hills, however, we know how to remedy a bad situation and make it better. We know how to obtain payment for car rental expenses or the loss of use of your car, we can obtain payment for your auto repairs (or the value of your car if it was totaled) and how to obtain an auto accident settlement that includes compensation for your medical bills, wage loss, pain and suffering and even a new child safety seat if one was in use during the accident.
This is the first annual list of the top ten restaurants in or near Chino Hills chosen by Chino Hills Auto Accident Lawyer Sebastian Gibson for 2010, Even if this list doesn’t include your favorite restaurant, we hope it will at least provide you with a few more choices of where to go for some fine food in the Chino Hills area.
At the Law Firm of Sebastian Gibson, we’ve obtained outstanding results in cases other attorneys haven’t even been interested in. Not every case is a big one but it takes experience to recognize what makes a good one.
Find out what makes our Sebastian Gibson so exceptional and why our website, www.SebastianGibsonLaw.com is graded so highly by websitegrader.com.
It says a lot that other law firms refer their big cases to us. Other attorneys refer all types of matters to us and for good reason. Our record of obtaining extraordinary results for decades speaks volumes.
More than once, when other lawyers haven’t been interested in a case, we’ve persevered and had extraordinary success. We can’t guarantee results but we can guarantee that we will represent your best interests and that we will do so to the very best of our abilities.
Remember, it matters more than you think who you call for your auto accident or other legal matter. When it matters most, call the law firm of Sebastian Gibson. Visit our website at www.SebastianGibsonLaw.com and see the difference.
Don’t let an auto accident ruin your year and prevent you from enjoying life and taking the chance to have some good food and times with friends and family at restaurants such as these.
So here are our top ten restaurants in Chino Hills for 2010. We’ve purposely chosen restaurants that are popular and known for fun, instead of restaurants that have the most expensive food or the top ratings. If you’ve been involved in an auto accident, we think that going to a restaurant with friends or family and having a good meal and good conversation at a reasonable price is more important than overpaying for the paintings on the walls.
Here are our top choices.
1. Stubrik’s Steakhouse, Fullerton
2. BJ’s Restaurant & Brewhouse, Brea
3. Peppino’s, Lake Forest
4. El Farolito, Palcentia
5. Splashes, Laguna Beach
6. Matador Cantina, Fullerton
7. Quiet Woman, Corona del Mar
8. Orange Hill, Orange
9. Mastro’s, Newport Coast
10. Lucille’s, Brea
Enjoy your time in Chino Hills but remember to watch how much you drink or to use a designated driver. And if by some unfortunate circumstance, you’re involved in an auto accident on your way home, remember, it matters more than you think who you call for your car accident. When it matters most, call the Law Firm of Sebastian Gibson.
What type of projects would interest you the most in a computer/technology group like STLP (Student Technology Leadership Program)? Give me 5 examples. (Lego Building, Robotics, Real World, Car Tech, Video Game Tech, Building Computers, Movie Tech, Video Yearbook, Website Building, etc….are some examples)
The New Year begins in a blissful escape from working in tiny Akaroa and off to the West Coast for new adventures. We woke up to one of the worlds first sunrises of 2010! Our plan: to head over to the glaciers on the West Coast of the South Island. We instantly drove to Christchurch and stayed a night on the beach in New Brighton…unfortunetly we were temporarily locked in the parking lot but woke up in the morning to a beautiful day and swimming in the surf and off to the West Coast! We drove for a few hours towards the Southern Alps .. our car had quite a lot of trouble getting up some of the steep hills combined with the desert heat we had to make a lot of pit stops. We stopped in one park with an incredibal name: Korowai Torelesse Tussocklands Park. This park had amazing trad and sport rock climbing, boulders, cliff faces but no sign of any climbers when we were there…we jumped around the rocks and climbed some of them too.
Arthur’s Pass is known as the border town between the West & East as it sits right in the center of the island & the Alps. A funny little stretch of town with good cafes and hikes to the nearby waterfalls & alpine trails. We were warned about the massive amounts of rainfall & general bad weather in the West which was instantly apparent driving in on SH 73 –there was a physical wall of clouds/fog/rain that divided the region from the rest of NZ. The area has its own weather system that sees no sunlight most of the year–mainly an onslaught of South/North/East/West Westerlies and a hell of a lot of rain … it actually rained the entire 3 days we drove around–one day.. the worst day.. it rained 300mm and flooded the highways. So much so that our poor 92′ Toyota died on us b/c of flood water making its way into the engine. The break-down situation unwrapped quickly, we found ourselves stranded on the side of the highway with flood water rising around the car and the unrentless rain pounding down. It was only a couple minutes before some people stopped to help us out–towed our car to the closest drive way to get out of the flooding tried to revive our soaking wet engine. To add to the distress we had a dead cell phone & no road-side assistance. Determined to figure a way out we walked up to the closest house to ask for help… a farmer named Mr Maisely who let us use his phone. We got ahold of a local mechanic who could tow us to his shop 10 km down the road –the mechanic made his way over to us and hand cranked us up on a flatbed. We were saved! One last obsticle–get the truck to the shop: FAIL! The water was increasingly getting deeper on the road by this time and mid-way through a large flood the truck suddenly choked and came to a giant halt. So we were stuck in a fast-moving flood, in a tow truck with our car on the back… The only option at this point was to laugh… has to be one of the most hilarious looking break downs–even another mechanic stopped by our window to ask if we needed his help.. haha he instantly started laughing! Eventually, our mechanic came back with a 4×4 to tow the whole lot outta the giant puddle and onto the town another few km’s. Our good’ol’ car started after about 10 min of spraying it down with WD40 (a magical potion). Annd we were on our way again–off to Franz Joseph!! After a night in town we made a very instant decision to leave NZ altogether and start our trek to South East Asia! We carefully drove back to Christchurch… got a room with our UK friends for the week and prepared our car for an auction. We must be masters of marketing or something b/c we sold the car in a matter of hours.. just a few carefully placed ads at the downtown hostels and one online ad on the backpackerboard.co.nz We got a bit less than what we paid for initially but happy for a quick sale and money for plane tickets!
Our Next destination… Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur! We’ve bought direct flight tickets via Singapore Airlines leaving in 4 days from Christchurch! We’re currently purging all of our excess stuff we’ve accumlated eg. sweaters, scooters, boots, books, clothing and preparing for a new kind of travelling! Unfortunetly missing Oz this time around but we’ll make the trek back here in the future to fully experience ‘down under’ but in light of our rough timeline we want to have the most amount of time to explore S. E. Asia! Check back soon!
Snow. J’adore ça. It makes places look a lot nicer than other kinds of weather. But, in this day and age people can’t cope and want somebody to blame for not being able to get to work on time, when they really should be blaming themselves for getting into a panic and not thinking straight.
There are a couple of times where there is someone to blame, just because the solution they have come up with has not been thought through thoroughly enough, and there is one crucial point which has been overlooked. This is clearly what has happened in America, where the designers and the engineers forgot some basic properties of simple electrical components. LED traffic lights. In cities across America, where LED traffic lights are in use and in areas which are prone to snow fall have found that the LED’s do not produce enough heat when in operation to melt the snow from them, resulting in accidents at the junctions, and reportedly someone has been killed because snow was covering the lights.
LED’s are great. They are brighter than incandescent bulbs and they are more efficient so cost less to run. So they make the ideal choice for traffic lights. However, forgetting that they are essentially a cold light source, light without the associated heat, albeit, an easy mistake to make in some cases, can be one which is easily rectified.
So, what are the possible solutions. Replace them with the older kind of traffic lights? Don’t think so, since the cost of making and installing the LED lights would have been too great to go back now. Give the lights some sort of central heating? Again, no, cost would be too great. What I have in mind is far simpler, and could easily be done without having to change the whole light. It pretty much involves only changing the glass or plastic cover of the light. Install or use light covers which have a heating element in them, the same sort of thing cars have on their front and rear windows for use when it gets really cold or when they fog up. This coupled with some sort of sensor, be it one which detects when the lens is covered, or a temperature one which is activated when the temperature is low enough and this is enough to sort the problem. The heating element does not need to be hot, just warm as that will be enough to melt whatever is on the lens. This quick sketch shows basically what I mean, the heating element is crisscrossing the lens and should melt the snow easily.
That idea is better than the additional one which I thought up which involved channeling the heat from the electrical connections since they heat up significantly when in use, and when there is a large voltage going through which is what would be happening with the traffic light.
The snow, the problem or the solution? Or is it the people who don’t think things through, and as I leave you with that thought, here is a picture which shows the ingenuity people have when the snow comes. Makeshift snowplough anybody?
LED traffic light picture and information from Engadget and Autoblog
The 2010 Kia Amanti The 2010 Kia Amanti is sleek, stylish, and elegant. With all the controls right where they should be. In the center of the gauges is the trip computer display. Less distractions for safe diving. The optional 6 disk CD changer features a 5.5 in. screen and steering wheel mounted thumb controls. The audio experience is truly experienced with the Infinity nine speaker system. Creating a full acoustic sound experience. while the noises of the outside world remain outside. The front windscreen has Hydrophobic properties, to actually repel water. The glass is coated with a coating that creates a barrier from dirt, dust, grease, and water. clean by wiping with a damp cloth. Other optional equipment include a head light washer which sprays fluid directly on the light. To top it all off it an embedded rain sensor. When the rain begins falling on the windscreen, the wipers automatically adjust the wiper speed.
If you are planning, Cheap Garmin
, to travel, but have a hard time finding a GPS unit that has features that you need, you might want to find a GPS unit that’s an affordable one.
Now that you have finally decided that you want to get the first GPS unit for your car, you might as well want to get a cheap solution that isn’t hard on your wallet but works fine at the same time. In this article, we’ll try to take a look at what, Cheap Garmin
, features a GPS unit should have, along with a pricing guide that should give you an idea of how much, Cheap Garmin
, a cheap device should cost you.
Most of the low-budget GPS units cost somewhere below $200 and if you see a device with a higher price, it’s not a budget GPS unit anymore. The only features that a budget GPS unit should have are: Lots of POI’s (Points of Interest) in the database (e.g. the Garmin Nuvi 205 has 6 million of them), a detour, Cheap Garmin
, function, an easy-to-use interface and of course, a large map database that has pre-loaded maps of your area. Most of the GPS systems have an anti-theft alarm, as the trends are showing, Cheap Garmin
, that the theft of the GPS systems has increased quite a lot as they’ve become more, Cheap Garmin
, popular.
If possible, you should, Cheap Garmin
, seek for a unit that has additional features. Most GPS units, even low-end ones, offer a wide variety of features that can come in handy. Some are compatible with FM and MSN traffic so you can receive live traffic reports for an additional fee. If you live in a remote area, chances, Cheap Garmin
, are that it’s unmapped, so double-check every map that’s, Cheap Garmin
, included with, Cheap Garmin
, the unit; ask the seller whether or not it has maps of your location. Some of the GPS units also come with useful features like the Garmin’s “Where am I?” emergency feature – a feature, which allows to call emergency, Cheap Garmin
, directly from the unit, save your current location in an address or locate nearby services, such as hospitals,, Cheap Garmin
, police stations and many more.
Overall, it’s easy to get a cheap GPS unit, Cheap Garmin
, that can be used in a car and become a proud user of a GPS unit. If you have some experience using GPS, the TomTom 125 would be a great choice, as it costs below $100 and offers a lot of features for that price category. For example, detouring isn’t missing out in TomTom 125 along with, Cheap Garmin
, preloaded maps of the area it’s sold in. But POI’s are missing in it. However, if you have no experience using GPS devices, you should give the Garmin Nuvi 205 a try, as it’s extremely easy to use and costs just a little more than the aforementioned alternative of TomTom.
At Portable Car GPS Reviews, you can find the lowest price on GPS units and read reviews of top car models like the TomTom 125 GPS.