Sunday, January 31, 2010

Road Noises In Radio Commercials

“You’d better get down here to Smith’s Car Mart, because these deals are Hot, Hot, HOT!” blares the radio, issuing the sound of a police siren to finish the commercial.

Being the first time this commercial aired, I pretty much swerved all over my lane, and anxiously checked my rear-view mirror in order to see if I would be getting pulled over, or if I needed to get out of the way. As I am a new driver, tickets would have have higher repercussions for me. First, my parents wouldn’t be terribly happy about it. Second, the penalties are increased simply because you’re a new driver and should, therefore, somehow have a better idea of what you should be doing.

What a fun logic puzzle that is. But I digress.

After seeing that there was absolutely no other traffic around me, I relaxed a little, my fear converting itself into anger. True, I did have the radio up a wee bit too loudly. That’s my fault. Is it my fault, though, for using sound effects that are intended to draw attention to an emergency vehicle? I didn’t think so., I don’t need to be hearing these false sounds including trucks back-firing during an interview, sirens, motorcycle revving, and screeching tires. Satellite or FM, advertisement or musical score,  it’s just not helpful.

I’m not sure why a siren would motivate me to buy a car anyway. Seems like I’d be getting stolen property.

Let Road Noises In Radio Commercials Die

Photo Credits: Here


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