Saturday, January 23, 2010


If you’re like me, you amuse yourself in traffic by staring at the letters on license plates and making up words. For example, HRT becomes “Heart” and DNT becomes “Donut.” Then I start thinking, oh yeah I do love donuts!

Then you get the 3 letter abbreviations like SNL, ETA, BTW or ones that just sound funny: BAP, POW, MEH. (If you see me while I’m driving I’ll most likely be muttering to myself like a madwoman.)

Once in a while you get a REAL treat and see a vanity plate with an actual word on it, or something that looks like a word but you can’t quite figure out what it means. Over the past couple of weeks I’ve compiled a short list of plate words that I have observed.

First, your obligatory sports fanatics:



IA HWK 1 (boooooooooooo, on a Nebraska Plate)

And others:

JPG (I can only assume this person is a member of the Joint Photographic Experts Group)

WLLFX4U (on a service van)



CREEPIE (I laughed when I saw this one, someone is declaring to the world “yes, I am creepie and proud of it”)




I think if I got a vanity plate it might say BRETZEL. Or we could be sick and get BRTZEL1 and BRTZEL2, I don’t think Ryan would go for it though. What do you think? I guess it’s not very original. Maybe CRAFTY1, or GRNMAB since I have grandma-like tendencies to knit or bake cookies whenever possible.



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