Things have been very busy the past few days so today I’m not feeling so hot. Last week I helped Mommy make all of my favorite dishes: chicken, chicken soup, and cholent–oh yes, those are delicious dishes! But, I wish I knew more about the deliciousness. Can you believe she made all of that food and barely let me eat any of it? Yes, I’m serious. All she gave me was some boiled chicken and broth mixed in with my dry food. I swear sometimes she treats me like I’m in prison. Broth? Really? Thanks, lady. Jokes on Mommy though. She doesn’t know that I snuck in some licks of her soup when she left her bowl sitting on the table.
Yesterday we had some of Daddy’s family come over to eat cholent. I was so excited to see them. I gave them the grand tour of the house, including where I sleep, where I eat, and where Mom and Dad torture me with the shampoo. I tried showing them where the cholent was cooking but got too close and burnt my snout–ouch! Then I lapsed into an uncontrollable sneezing fit. After regaining my composure, I spent the rest day entertaining them.
Today was also eventful. Daddy was home with me in the morning while Mommy was at class. Daddy is almost never home alone with me so I knew something was up. And then I saw it…a suitcase. Oh no! I started to get upset and feel sick. I kept looking to Daddy for answers but he was busy working. As the moments passed, I felt worse and worse. When Mommy walked in the door I could take it no longer. I went under the dining room table and threw up!
Mommy tried to make me feel better and she did….until she packed up the suitcase and the 3 of us headed to the car. I remembered the place as soon as we pulled up. The last time I was here, they put me in a crate and stored me under the plane for 12 hours. Daddy got out of the car. Mommy got out of the car. I stared at them through the window. I was next, I just knew it.
OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG! Please don’t take me! What is happening?! How can you do this to me? I just got hit by a car–don’t you remember? I almost died! Don’t take me!!!!
Then a miracle happened. Daddy waved and walked off and Mommy got back in the car. I was safe. Wow, that was close.
By the the time we got back home, I was emotionally and physically exhausted. It might not compare to say, getting hit by a car, but today was a bad day! It’s a good thing Mommy can read my mind because she knew just what I needed–couch time!
See how exhausted I look?
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