Those who claim they enjoy driving during rush hour is either an idiot or loves to be different, just to be different. Below are situations that drive me (pun not intended) batty:
- Drivers who merge on yields and yield on merges.
- Drivers that slow down on an accident scene just to take a look.
- Speeders ripping through playground and school zones. Think for a moment: How would you feel to know your own child isn’t coming home because someone was driving way too fast?
- Idiots that tailgate your bumper, decides to pass you and then immediately cuts in front of you. Only to brake because of a red light, stop sign or slowing traffic.
- Young males who drive pickup trucks at unsafe speeds during inclement weather because their 4×4 makes them invincible, supposedly.
- Rednecks who have this urge to jack their truck ten feet into the air. Yes, let’s forget about safety as you crush the car beneath you.
- Young females who chat or text on their phones while driving at unsafe speeds completely oblivious to drivers around them.
- Punks that boom their subwoofer because distorted bass is cool. It’s even cooler when I can feel the jam four lanes over. Note the sarcasm.
- Asian drivers. I am Chinese by heritage if that says anything.
- Those who weave through traffic only to get ahead by three car lengths when traffic finally stops at a red light.
- While there is no official rule where slow drivers are to remain on the farthest right lane, be courteous and stay on the right if you drive like a granny.
- People who don’t follow the speed limit. Yes, driving below the speed limit can be dangerous.
- In a parking lot, drivers that wants your spot badly will edge so close to your vehicle that you barely have any room to backup and leave. You make room for me otherwise we’re having a staring contest.
I’m sure there are a few more pet peeves that I have forgotten. Driving can be quite stressful as our cities become larger so vent your anger by commenting on your own frustrations!
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