So last night I went to Herby James in town to see my friends band ‘Basil’ play.
I had a very good time, a big bunch of friends from my school were there too, first time taking a drink with the ‘guys’ and it was very much appreciated, I think most people have wondered if I drink at all because of my training and allround lifestyle, but indeed I do.
I came to the bar a bit early because I thought my friends would be there earlier too, just to chat and shit, but they wernt…
To my surprise the one and only waitress there didnt even look at me or ask if I wanted anything for one whole hour, she must have walked past me 50 times atleast, serving and taking orders from all the weird emos and transvestites there, haha.
I felt ogled most of the night by weirdos, it kept me on edge all of the time.
I will actually get to the weirdest part soon.
The music during the entire evening was very good, there were three bands that played; basil ( my friends band) and 2 other more adult bands.
Anywho, most of the time was just spent chilling, chatting and drinking.
I ordered a RedBull from the bar, but I was given something called ‘RedBat‘ instead…I was like WTF is this??
The bar was packed with emos, goths and other weirdos; like a 2,5 metre tall transvestite…creepy.
As I said I felt watched all of the time, because emos like me for some reason, and these emos were no different.
Whats with emos and little japanese boys??
There was one swedo emo girl, she asked me ” You are half asian right??”
I answered “yeah…”
“Which part are you?” she sontinued asking.
“British” I said ( I knew she wondered which asian part, but I like to fuck with people)
OFC she was like uuuh yeahhh I knew that duuh I meant which asian part…
Japanese, I replied with a taunting laugh, and she was all like ” kyaa I knew it” to her even scarier more emo girlfriend.
I noticed thse two following me around abit during the latter part of the evening, sculking around corners and sitting across the tables glaring…
Then, and this is the weirdest part of the evening… When me and my friends were outside taking a smoke ( them not me) I noticed for a second there was a girl standing and sort of half looking at me…no, she was literally staring at me with half open eyes from across the smoke-lounge.
“Weird” I thought, she must be looking at someone else.
But a little later, as I am standing outside again, my friend Rukas tells me there is a girl inside who likes me :O And that she wants me to come in…Im like ” Hmm, I suspect it is that weird girl who was staring at me“.
So I follow Rukas in to the bar to get a drink, when all of a sudden someone sneakes up behind me and knocks me on the shoulder.
The sissy girl that I am, I jump up into the air by surprise, only to turn around and see that it is the same girl that was staring at me out in the smoking lounge…
So it was her, and she begins to ask me like;” oohhh…Hi…whats your name?“
“Hiro” I say, whats yours?
“amblangfjadlaa” is all I remember…
Then, she pulls me close towards her and she speaks directly into my ear, saying “ I have to say that you are THE MOST beautiful person I have ever seen…“
I was baffled, WTF does one reply to such a comment?
I thanked her big a big questionmark and half-tainted smile on my face…kinda shocked.
She then asked me where I was sitting, I said outside, and then she asked ” if I go take a smoke now, will you come sit with me and talk when I come back?”…she seemed nice, so I said ” hey WTF help yourself you crazy pshycho bitch“
-No just kidding but I said ” Okay, fine“
So a while later she comes and sits next to me outside, I get a better look at her and she must have been like 20 or something…she kinda reminded me of someone from my old school.
Anyways, once again she commented on how good looking I was…it felt so weird, nobody says things like that …haha, well atleast not to a person like me.
In my mind the thought” Damn I am not a girl, what you doing trying to pull of some line like that to me?” was replaying over and over.
However next up I made the biggest mistake.
I dont know if it was the alcohol mixed with the ‘Redbat’…but my mind wasnt running right, had I been 100% pure sober, I wouldnt have given her my number…but I did.
She left saying she’d call and bla bla shit shit bang bang..Today I have had tons of anxiety and regret…why?
-We´ll have to wait and see, I suppose.
But I have the perfect plan to shrub her off.
-Im going to say;
“Hey, ever heard of the Black Widow? You know it is called the Black Widow? Because it always kills and eats its partner after mating…“
And then I kill her Simple as so.
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